Adam J. Plotkin
Investor Investor
New York, New York
Work Experience
2013 - 2023
Active investing partner at a New York City seed-stage firm. Board representation including: AppBind, Bloomz, Burro, CardFlight, Civic Eagle, HoneyBee, New Age Meats, Scite,, Skip, StoryFit, TensorFlight, WithClarity, Drop Loyalty, Estify, Gobbler, PlusOne Robotics, Rhino, Sure, Omaze, Parento, MoveTech
ff Venture Capital is a technology venture capital firm that invests in cybersecurity, AI, machine learning, drones, and cloud software.
Independent Investor and Consultant
2009 - 2013
Advised startup companies on fundraising, business strategy, board matters and execution.
Director of Business Development
2009 - 2011
Joined founding team for a startup insurance company marketing supplemental unemployment insurance. Executed marketing and PR strategy through to successful proof-of-concept. Structured the product and actuarial materials for regulatory and carrier approval, successfully raising ~$1.5 million from outside investors.
Vice President
2006 - 2009
Senior analyst / portfolio strategist. First hire at a $250 million startup hedge fund with an open, opportunistic investment mandate. Independently identified, analyzed, selected and sized equities and credit portfolio investments with broad industry and regional diversification. Focus on undervalued, distressed and special situations including a portfolio of mortgage assets. Lead-negotiated the creation of the first-ever catastrophe bond CDO and $800 million of insurance-linked securities.
Senior Analyst/Director of Investments
2004 - 2005
Analyzed distressed securities and provided investment recommendations.
Harbert Growth Partners is an emerging growth stage investor in tech and healthcare companies.
Summer Associate
2003 - 2003
Summer associate to the Chief Investment Strategist. Adapted academic research for an institutional investor audience.
Credit Suisse Group is a financial services company that advises clients in all aspects of finance.
1998 - 2000
Leveraged Finance and Risk Markets. Built models supporting high yield and bank loan underwriting. Drafted offering circulars, and created road show and ratings agency presentations. Participated in the creation of early cat bond securities.
Goldman Sachs is a multinational financial services firm providing securities, investment banking, and management services.
Summer Analyst
1997 - 1997
Enron Capital Markets. Developed derivative strategies to manage political risk.
2000 - 2003
1994 - 1998