Steve Wollenberg

Chief Commercial Officer at H2U Technologies

San Francisco Bay Area


Steve Wollenberg is the Chief Commercial Officer at H2U Technologies and an Advisor at Motus Ventures in the San Francisco Bay Area. With a background in founding and leading successful tech startups like Dash Navigation and Fastline InfoAccess, he excels in product management, strategic partnerships, and go-to-market strategies. Steve has a proven track record of co-founding and leading companies in the mobile technology sector, demonstrating expertise in product development, business development, and cross-functional team leadership, making him a valuable asset in driving innovation and growth in the tech industry.

Work Experience 

  • Chief Commercial Officer

    2024 - Current

  • Chief Operating Officer

    2021 - 2024

  • Advisor


    Advisory Board member since inception. Motus Ventures is a seed stage venture capital fund and business accelerator focused on the intersection of transportation (e.g. autonomous vehicles, connected vehicles and associated data security, mapping, plug-in electric vehicles), smart infrastructure (e.g. remote monitoring and control of appliances), and Internet-of-Things (IoT).

A combination of recent technology shifts and emerging consumer trends – internet connected cars, vehicle to vehicle communications.

  • Co-Founder and Vice President, Business Development

    2008 - 2022

    Stationary solar/battery storage/diesel generator hybrid autonomous power and micro grid systems coupling renewable energy sources with battery storage and remote monitoring and control. 5 kVA to 250 kVA systems optimized for diesel fuel/generator displacement in emerging markets (e.g. Africa and South Pacific islands) with intermittent or non-existent electricity grid. Responsible for business development as well as being the primary operations / logistics resource. Pivoted from initial Smart Car/Smart Grid EV connectivity services. Developed end-to-end telematics (now IoT) platform for EVs, including smart charging, eco-routing, and in-depth battery health management. System demonstrated with Aptera at 2009 TED Conference. Developed and demonstrated first electric vehicle-to-grid (v2g) and EV charging demand response system in conjunction with Detroit Edison utility (DTE Energy). Demonstrated eco-routing features and benefits as part of the University of California Riverside / DOE team. Included managing ex-pat operations overseas (primarily Europe) for three years. Former General Motors EV1 (Gen 2) leaseholder.

  • Co-Founder and VP, Business Development

    2003 - 2007

    First internet connected navigation and mapping device with integration of vehicle probe data for enhanced real-time traffic and map data. Additionally, first device to provide in-vehicle access to personalized web content and RSS services, including Yelp points-of-interest, real-time fuel prices, parking info, and DriveSafe public safety (including CHP) vehicle roadside locations. Demonstration and deployment of Vehicle-to-Roadside (V2R, V2I, V2V) and vehicle-to-vehicle communications for enhanced vehicle information and services in 2006. Company acquired by Blackberry / Research in Motion for navigation, traffic, and mapping applications.

  • Co-Founder and VP, Marketing and BD

    2000 - 2003

    We developed the first in-vehicle Palm PDA software environment to provide 2-way wireless data access, and speech recognition and text-to-speech, "eyes on the road, hands on the wheel" HMI. Consumer system evolved into fleet management environment with Truck PC hardware from partner Delphi Electronics.

  • Founder and CEO

    1990 - 1999

    Software development for location based services focused on navigation and traffic information to mobile devices. First telephone on-demand traffic information service on West Coast of US. Led to development of TravInfo/511 traveler information services in San Francisco Bay Area. Showcased first server-based navigation and traffic information services on Apple Newton, Sony MagicLink, Motorola Envoy, and Windows CE PDA devices. Including participation in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics FHWA/UsDOT Traveler Information Showcase and related IVHS and ITS Field Operation Tests (FOTs) nationwide. Lead partner to the Daimler / Chrysler Research and Technology North America (RTNA) office in Palo Alto for personal mobility services (PDA-based navigation and traffic).

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