Steve Wollenberg
Chief Commercial Officer at H2U Technologies
San Francisco Bay Area
Work Experience
Chief Commercial Officer
2024 - Current
Chief Operating Officer
2021 - 2024
Advisory Board member since inception. Motus Ventures is a seed stage venture capital fund and business accelerator focused on the intersection of transportation (e.g. autonomous vehicles, connected vehicles and associated data security, mapping, plug-in electric vehicles), smart infrastructure (e.g. remote monitoring and control of appliances), and Internet-of-Things (IoT).
A combination of recent technology shifts and emerging consumer trends – internet connected cars, vehicle to vehicle communications.
Co-Founder and Vice President, Business Development
2008 - 2022
Stationary solar/battery storage/diesel generator hybrid autonomous power and micro grid systems coupling renewable energy sources with battery storage and remote monitoring and control. 5 kVA to 250 kVA systems optimized for diesel fuel/generator displacement in emerging markets (e.g. Africa and South Pacific islands) with intermittent or non-existent electricity grid. Responsible for business development as well as being the primary operations / logistics resource. Pivoted from initial Smart Car/Smart Grid EV connectivity services. Developed end-to-end telematics (now IoT) platform for EVs, including smart charging, eco-routing, and in-depth battery health management. System demonstrated with Aptera at 2009 TED Conference. Developed and demonstrated first electric vehicle-to-grid (v2g) and EV charging demand response system in conjunction with Detroit Edison utility (DTE Energy). Demonstrated eco-routing features and benefits as part of the University of California Riverside / DOE team. Included managing ex-pat operations overseas (primarily Europe) for three years. Former General Motors EV1 (Gen 2) leaseholder.
Co-Founder and VP, Business Development
2003 - 2007
First internet connected navigation and mapping device with integration of vehicle probe data for enhanced real-time traffic and map data. Additionally, first device to provide in-vehicle access to personalized web content and RSS services, including Yelp points-of-interest, real-time fuel prices, parking info, and DriveSafe public safety (including CHP) vehicle roadside locations. Demonstration and deployment of Vehicle-to-Roadside (V2R, V2I, V2V) and vehicle-to-vehicle communications for enhanced vehicle information and services in 2006. Company acquired by Blackberry / Research in Motion for navigation, traffic, and mapping applications.
Co-Founder and VP, Marketing and BD
2000 - 2003
We developed the first in-vehicle Palm PDA software environment to provide 2-way wireless data access, and speech recognition and text-to-speech, "eyes on the road, hands on the wheel" HMI. Consumer system evolved into fleet management environment with Truck PC hardware from partner Delphi Electronics.
Founder and CEO
1990 - 1999
Software development for location based services focused on navigation and traffic information to mobile devices. First telephone on-demand traffic information service on West Coast of US. Led to development of TravInfo/511 traveler information services in San Francisco Bay Area. Showcased first server-based navigation and traffic information services on Apple Newton, Sony MagicLink, Motorola Envoy, and Windows CE PDA devices. Including participation in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics FHWA/UsDOT Traveler Information Showcase and related IVHS and ITS Field Operation Tests (FOTs) nationwide. Lead partner to the Daimler / Chrysler Research and Technology North America (RTNA) office in Palo Alto for personal mobility services (PDA-based navigation and traffic).