Remember Life.

Remember Life

Private, in-person interviews — capturing

life as it unfolds, all in documentary-quality.

Private, in-person interviews — capturing

life as it unfolds, all in documentary-quality.

When we're old, how will we remember our life?

When we pass, what do we leave behind for those who loved us?

Every year we interview participants and create a movie of their life.

We shouldn't wait until we're old to write our story.

That's why we built Legacy.

To remember life, as it happens, in documentary-quality.

We invite a select group of applicants to join Legacy on a rolling basis.

One day a year, participants are invited to join us in our studio in the city of their choice. Using documentary-quality equipment, and an amazing team, we interview them and freeze this moment in time.

Their Legacy is available to watch only to them, in a Netflix-style view.

As the years go by, participants can view how they've changed as time went by.

These interviews become a movie of our lives.

A movie we can look back on when we're older. Something to someday share with our friends, children, and grandchildren.

In the short-term we hope to give people the opportunity to put life on pause, even for a few hours. To reflect, align, and re-calibrate. To remember who they are today.

In the long-term, we hope to record the story and lives of those we love.

Our life's work is to preserve yours.

How did it get so late so soon? —Dr. Seuss

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